
Find Information About Moths Below

There are variety of Moths found in Canada. Some moth can suck blood others destroy cloths, while other help pollinate. There also certain moth which have caused serious damage to forests. Moth have two wings and are usually brownish or grayish shaded. Moths can lay eggs up to 50 eggs near food source or cloths. Moths have relatively short life span. Most male dies in less than a month, while the females may die after laying the eggs. Pupae may be spotted in corner of cabinets in Kitchens. Moths are part of my different birds and reptiles diet. Most moth prefer dark environment. Moths are attracted to lights. Moths may enter through window or be brought inside in home or business through infested packages.

At Affordy Pest Control, we know our Moths and are experts at keeping them under control. Our eco-friendly methods prevent any further damage and keep them under control

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